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2005-01-23 - 2:04 p.m.


Mikro went out to play in the snow for the first time ever. It was a bit too windy to stay out long, but he took 4 or 5 rides down the hill, courtesy of his daddy draging the sled along (there is video...).

He enjoyed walking in the snow up until he fell flat on his poor little face and got cold and started crying, after which the adventure ended and we brought him inside to warm up and dry off.

He has gotten so big that his snowsuit just barely fits him! His cheeks are rosy (and possibly slightly wind burned, poor babe) and he's busily watching an animal program on TV, fully recovered from his ordeal...

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Work in Progress: drying my boots

Reading: Brimstone by Preston & Child

Dreaming: of a cup of hot chocolate with the little marshmallows

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